deology with a concise and critical discussion of major political ideologies, nature of politics and various approaches to its study including empirical, normative, behavioural, post-behavioural as well as interdisciplinary approach. It elucidates the concepts of the state and sovereignty with reference to thechallenges of imperialism, neo-colonialism, impact of globalisation, grounds and limits of political obligation, various dimensions, of law, power, citizenship, human rights, liberty (including creative freedom), equality (including equality of opportunity), justice (including social justice) and the common good. Then it dwells on various models and theories of democracy, indicating the significance ofready-made solutions. Written in a concise and lucid style, the book contains self-instructional material with several unique, reader-friendly features such as a large number of flow charts, comparative charts, explanatory diagrams, on the spot definitions, historical references and crisp quotations in boxes. It is particularly designed to cater to the needs of various Indian universities as well as various high-level competitive examinations including Civil Services Examination.This new edition of an introduction of political theory examines a fairly wide range of issues concerning the ever-expanding field of political theory in a multidisciplinary (historical – sociological – economic – philosophical – juristic) perspective. It elaborates the nature and significance of political theory, concept ofLanguage Published: English
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